WeMB | Digital Twin Expert Group

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Company > About the Company
WeMB provides the best digital twin solution
We can Make the Best way. WeMB

We are-

We will develop, expand, and provide the IoT platform that standardizes and integrates various types of data in the world, digital twin data hub,
3D data object standardization, marketplace, digital twin monitoring platform, and Federation DT technology that connects digital twins.

  • January 2004

    Year of establishment

  • KRW20.9billion


    as of December 2020

  • 112

    No. of employees

    as of December 2020

Main Business

  • 빅데이터 기반 통합관제 솔루션 빅데이터 기반 통합관제 솔루션

    Big data-based
    Digital Twin Solution

  • IoT & Smart 플랫폼 IoT & Smart 플랫폼

    IoT & Smart

  • 데이터수집 / 예측 / 분석 데이터수집 / 예측 / 분석

    Data Collection /
    Prediction / Analysis

  • 영상관제 & 관제상황실 구축 영상관제 & 관제상황실 구축

    Video Control &
    Control Room

WeMB Vision

There are a lot of data in the world.
Especially, there are a lot of data that are important but are not shared properly or interpreted, are filed as they are, and are even discarded. WeMB believes that collecting data from various sources, visualizing these so that they can be interpreted intuitively, and allowing them to be shared by organizations are the best ways to bring life to data and increase their value.

  • Mission

    A company that
    connects the life of
    data with
    human values

  • Vision

    A brand family group
    that leads the efforts
    to realize a happy
    ICT world in 2030

  • Core Values
