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Solution/Product > IT Infrastructure/Portal/Automation
Solution for Optimized
IT Operation
and Service Management
Efficient Management of Facilities with an Optimized System

Multi-platform (Enterprise Monitoring System) for Integrated Management,

As a platform-based enterprise monitoring system to improve the operation system of IT resources, it provides efficient operation support and operational insights of IT resources by integrating the heterogenous monitoring solution information of server, network, and application management and reflecting the related information and key KPI that provide operational intuitiveness.

Key Feature

  • Establishment of the basis for information infrastructure integrated management (management guideline for information systems)

    Establish the integrated management system of information resources to efficiently operate IT resources and build an advanced process-based management system

  • &
  • Integrated Dashboard

    Integrated monitoring view of the system, application, and network information of the company-wide perspective

    Association analysis and failure prevention in service perspective

Strength 1 Personalization of Screen Layout

The configuration of all screens can be customized with the user on the Web UI, and the user can flexibly apply settings like the type, layout, and operation method of each screen configuration component.

Strength 2 Provision of Various Types of Component

1. Provides various types of components

2. Use-specific screen according to the management environment

Use-specific screen according to the management environment
