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Solution/Product > IOT &Smart Platform
Optimization with
Real-time Data Processing and IOT Technology
Provides a real-time failure and demand prediction function based on process-specific status monitoring and indicator data analysis


It provides big-data-analysis-based business monitoring services like energy, manufacturing sector, and production management by expanding the scope of the existing system beyond the existing IT infrastructure and facilities management.
The optimal system applied with real-time data processing and the IoT technology provides a real-time failure and demand prediction function based on process-specific status monitoring and indicator data analysis.



Implementation Area Smart Energy

The early extraction of weak points using the IoT sensor enables a response with wide-range power failure prevention and real-time verification of the accurate cause and site location of the failure before power outage.
The integration of the big data and 3D technology collected from the IoT sensor enables the establishment of a 3D-based failure detection and management system, beyond the existing 2D-based simple facility monitoring.
  • 01 Integrated real-time monitoring

    Monitoring and controlling remotely by linking the sensor data in real time

  • 02 Abnormality detection and response status monitoring

    Reflecting colors to the node icons according to the status

    Indicating failure to the sensor data when events occur

System Screen

Overall operation status of the substation
Simulation training and line management
Zone-specific sensor data link
Temperature alarm and trend monitoring
Vibration alarm and trend monitoring
Fire detection and simulation training

Implementation Area Smart Factory

Establishment of an integrated operation board that can monitor the entire facility unit status, facility production output, and facility health index within the production process, and can view the abnormality detection and response status
  • 01 Operating status (EQP utilization)

    Performance trend by the operating goal per major line

    Comparative analysis of the cause of the decline in the operating rate and the status of the major facilities group

  • 02 Production status (production process)

    Performance status and comparison trend by the entire production goal

    Cross-comparison of the sub-indicators, including the work-in-progress status, operating rate, and achievement estimation of each line

  • 03 Integrated real-time monitoring

    Monitoring the status of whole facilities, total output, and staff within the production process

  • 04 Abnormality detection and response status monitoring

    Monitoring the abnormal situations through fire detection, CCTV, location tracking, and remote control

Implementation Area Smart Safety

RTLS (Real-time Locating System): Beacontag/ Beaconscannerbased
The beacon scanner collects the position signal and additional sensor status signal being transmitted by the beacon tag and sends it to the manager server to process the position measurement.
This technology then uses the outcome to provide various application services and information.
  • 01 Mobile equipment

    Monitors various objects in factories and industrial sites by locating and tracking the moving route through object scanning

  • 02 Access management

    Prevents casualties with quick responses, such as access control or emergency guidance in case of danger

- Product Introduction & Main Functions -