WeMB | Digital Twin Expert Group

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Solution/Product > IT Infrastructure/Portal/Automation
Solution for Optimized
IT Operation
and Service Management
Efficient Management of Facilities with an Optimized System


The highest level of IT infrastructure management is realizing “optimized IT operation and service management” by providing a proactive monitoring system and a technology-based and unified service control technology for efficient and stable operation for the overall IT infrastructure.

Implementation Area

  • 시스템 통합 모니터링 기반 고도화

    Upgrade of IntegratedMonitoring for System

    Establishing an integrated monitoringaccording to unit system

    Establishing an integrated monitoringaccording to unit system

  • E2E관점의 실시간 서비스관리 구축

    Establishment of Real-time Service Management from E2EPerspective

    Implementing the E2E (end-to-end) perspective’s real-time service to ensure 24/7 service availability

    Integrated management for performance and failure information ofwork services in detail.

  • 시스템 운영현황의 가시성 확보

    Gaining the Visibility of System Operation Status

    Integrated management for various monitoring items and new solutions

    Achieving the collection and management standardization of structured data per unit system

    Providing the integrated operation that reflects demands from members ofbusiness, development, and operation departments

  • 통합관제시스템의 안정적 운영 확보

    GainingStable Operation of Integrated ManagementSystem

    The operating platform with the latest technology

    Applying stable technologies that do not affect the existing operating server

  • 통합 운영 및 관리 체계 구축 확보

    Gaining the Integrated Operation and Management System

    The operating platform with the latest technology

    Integrated management per solution to respond to resource growth following the transition to an open environment

  • 영역화 접근제한

    Segmentation restriction

    Segmentation to CEO, IT operation management, user management, etc. possible

System Screen

